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Our Model

We put together teams that win.


Using our business plan as a guide, we set up a Skype meeting where you can meet your recruitment and technology managers from TALENIN in Cairo.

The goal of the meeting is to make sure that we all understand what professional and personal qualities we need to focus on.

This is important because for the outsourcing to work, there needs to be a match in terms of technology, people, and culture.​

When the process, as described here, is complete, the recruitment process starts. We are with you all the way.​

Talenin Model

Step One

Our first step in working together is to have you fill out a skills matrix that lists the technical skills and skill levels that your Egyptian IT staff needs to have.

Step Two

We also need you to answer about 10 simple questions about your business, your customers, the technologies you use, how you want to use your future offshore resources, and how they will fit into your European organization

Step Three

We will make a short business plan based on what you tell us and what we know about your needs from our previous meetings. This plan will show what you want from your IT outsourcing and how ready you are to manage an offshore team. We use the plan as an important tool that, along with our skills matrix, helps our institution in Cairo understand your business and hire the right IT staff for you.​